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I have been a Marriage & Family Therapist of over 20 years.  Although my college education taught me a lot, most of my learning and personal growth came from my own life experiences and working with clients.  This doesn't mean I know everything, just that I know almost anything can happen in our lives.  Some experiences like getting married or having children are expected, but the most challenging ones are often the unexpected turns life hands us that can throw us for a loop.  I personally believe that within each of us is the resilience to overcome obstacles.  At times, we just need someone else to help guide and encourage us along life's path and that's where I come into the picture for you!

My clients have always told me that they feel "hopeful" after first meeting with me.  I think it's because I believe in the ability to endure, heal and make decisions in our life that can finally free us from old habits, mindsets and attitudes; especially the ones that have kept us unwittingly stuck.  Know this about my process of therapy: I'm going to help you figure out what you're having issues with and then work with you to find solutions that will get you onto the path that you're most comfortable.  This isn't about doing the same old things and hoping for the better outcomes, rather finding out the possibilities that may take you out of your comfort zone toward that place you've wanted to live.

I am very experienced working with marital/relationship issues including: adjustment-premarital and newly weds, divorce, remarriage, adultery recovery, blended family, loss/grief, communication/conflict resolution and anger management/domestic violence.  I have also done a lot of work addressing anxiety, depression, trauma/survivor, family of origin and adolescent issues.

I look forward to the opportunity of working with you for a session to help you through whatever life is currently handing you. Contact South Mountain Counseling today to learn more.

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